Our Mission
At New Beginnings our mission is “Promoting life and new beginnings for children, birth mothers and families through parenting education and adoption.”
The Organization
New Beginnings International Children’s & Family Services is governed by an independent Board of Directors. We are not a subsidiary or agent of any other agency, ministry or entity.
New Beginnings International Children’s & Family Services is an endorsed ministry of the Mississippi District UPCI, the United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI), and the Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ (ALJC). We are not an affiliate of, or financially or administratively governed by, these organizations or any other entity.
Good Standings
New Beginnings International Children’s & Family Services is licensed by the Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS), and by the Tennessee Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), as a Child Placement provider. We are proud to say that we are Fully Accredited as a Hague Provider for International Adoption by the International Adoption Accrediting and Maintenance Entity (IAAME). New Beginnings is registered and in good standing with the Mississippi and Tennessee Secretary of States and are in good standing with the Better Business Bureau. An independent audit is conducted annually by Nail-McKinney Professional Associates, Tupelo, Mississippi. Upon request, we are happy to provide donors with copies of licenses, letters of good standing, letters of 501(c)(3) confirmation, copies of audit reports and copies of our 990 IRS non-profit tax returns. Additional letters of reference are available upon request.
The Church
If you are interested in partnering with New Beginnings, whether it be through adoption, orphan care, or financial contributions, please let us know.
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” – James 1:27
Daily Ways to Partner with New Beginnings:
There are many ways to partner with New Beginnings. A few ways to get involved are:
If you are interested in partnering with New Beginnings, whether it be through adoption, orphan care, or financial contributions, please contact us.
Jeremy Edwards
Jody Edwards
Jessica Hood
Kala Davis
Tom Velie
Debbie Velie
Renae Vallas
John Mark Jarret
Tara Dillon
Book Keeper
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