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Honoring Birthmothers

February 12, 2014

girl-drawing-back-to-school-1239803-mThe birthmothers we serve sacrifice so much even beyond the 9 months they carry a child whom they will not parent. Our adoptive families always feel such gratitude for these strong, brave women, but often struggle with how to show that gratitude and love. As Valentine’s Day approaches, we have a few ideas. Even in closed adoptions, you can still honor the birthmother who gave so much to your family.

Open or Semi Open Adoptions

If you’re struggling to think of ways to honor this amazing woman, remember the key is adding personal touches of the child. Put together a few special pieces of your child’s artwork to send to his or her birthmother.  You could even get creative with it and create a scrapbook filled with his or her pieces from the year before.

You could also create a collage of photos from the previous year to display how much your child has grown. Many websites can help with the design and printing ( is one of my personal favorites).

Closed Adoptions

Just because you may not know your child’s birthmother doesn’t mean you can’t honor her sacrifice. The easiest option is to make a donation to an adoption agency, a safe house, a hospital or other group that helps women in unplanned pregnancy situations.

You could also sponsor another birthmother who is making the same sacrifice your child’s birthmother made. Many birthmothers have no one to help them during this time. Sponsoring one of these women will be a gift that will never be forgotten.

International Adoptions

Most parents who adopt children internationally never meet their child’s birthmother. You can, however, honor her sacrifice by sponsoring a family or child in your child’s home country, helping another family with fundraisers to bring home a child from your child’s home country or by sponsoring a domestic birthmother.

Do you have creative ways you’ve honored your child’s birthmother? Please share those in the comments. Or if you’d like to help sponsor one of our birthmothers, please contact New Beginnings at 662-842-6752.