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Supporter Spotlight: American Christian Credit Union

February 6, 2015

ACCUOne thousand one hundred children celebrated birthdays and Christmases and summer vacations with their forever families this year because of the work of one of our partners, American Christian Credit Union.

Since 2009, they’ve helped 1,100 children find their forever families through the Adoption Loan Program. In 2014, Mendell Thompson, President of the ACCU, accepted multiple awards including the national Angels of Adoption Award and the New Beginnings Adoption Service Award.

For so many who desire to adopt, the cost of adoption stands between them and their forever child, but the ACCU changes that. Their mission is “To Reach, Serve, and Teach.” They believe that adoption is the heart of the Gospel and one of the greatest callings.

The ACCU excels at helping families find financing options for their adoption, but they don’t limit their work to the loans they offer.

“America’s Christian Credit Union supports adoptive families, sponsors the National Council for Adoption Annual training event, provides adoptive families with loan materials, and is a faithful partner of New Beginnings International Children’s & Family Services,” New Beginnings President Tom Velie said.

“In love He predestined us for adoption as children through Jesus Christ… to the praise of His glorious grace.” Ephesians 1:5

We are blessed and grateful to work with such a giving and honorable Christian organization. For more information on the ACCU’s Adoption Loan Program, please contact us at 662-842-6752.