by Emma Vex | Sep 29, 2014 | Adoptions, Birthmothers, Domestic Adoptions
No parents want to hear the words “I’m pregnant” uttered from the lips of their young daughter. But all too often, parents are forced into this reality and the decisions that come with it. As Christians, we all hope our youth will make the choices that God desires...
by Emma Vex | Aug 27, 2014 | Adoptions, Birthmothers, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions, Uncategorized
Adoption is a life-altering decision for the birthmother and birthfather’s lives as well as many others. It is emotionally, mentally, and physically challenging, and because of these factors, the family and friends of the birth parents have a huge influence over the...
by Emma Vex | Feb 17, 2014 | Adoptions, Birthmothers, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions, Uncategorized
With the actions and allegations surrounding CHIFF, the Children in Families First Act, we wanted to clarify what actually constitutes an orphan and a child with convention adoptee status. An adoptive child from another country requires a visa to come to the United...
by Emma Vex | Aug 22, 2013 | Adoptions, Birthmothers, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions
Children who are exposed to the term adoption and their adoption story at an early age are more comfortable asking questions and talking openly about the subject. For children whose adoption story may involve some difficult details, it’s okay to share simple, age...