by Emma Vex | Apr 10, 2015 | Adoptions, International Adoptions
We have discussed the decline in international adoption for years. It is drastic and tragic and is only getting worse with each year. We are sharing the NCFA’s press statement on the newly-released intercountry adoption numbers from the Department of State below. The...
by Emma Vex | May 14, 2014 | Adoptions, Birthmothers, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions, Nepal, Uncategorized
CHIFF (Children in Families First Act) is still moving along. As people become informed of the importance of this act, more government officials have joined with our ranks in support. We want to keep you informed on the process of the bill. Below you will find a...
by Emma Vex | Jan 22, 2014 | Adoptions, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions, Uncategorized
We are excited to support and provide information about a bill introduced in the Senate and House of Representatives last year called Children in Families First. Representatives have a number of purposes they hope to achieve through the passing of CHIFF. We have them...