by Emma Vex | Mar 24, 2016 | Adoptions, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions
Congratulations! It’s a…” The word that comes next is the most anticipated and life changing word any parents could hear! Boy? Girl? That one word determines whether their future lives are filled with ruffled leggings, Hello Kitty, and fairy princess dresses or toy...
by Emma Vex | Feb 25, 2016 | Adoptions, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions
The very first step when considering adoption is to simply learn more. At the very beginning, you’re asking questions and finding credible resources. If the materials you have are really good, they can also serve as guides to help you through tough situations. At New...
by Emma Vex | Feb 18, 2016 | Adoptions, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions
Studies have shown again and again that there really is no downside to reading to your children. Reading strengthens the bond between you. It also reinforces basic speech skills giving them a better grasp of the fundamentals of language. Reading also encourages...
by Emma Vex | Feb 11, 2016 | Adoptions, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions
Have you ever had the experience of looking at a blank piece of paper and not knowing what to write? In the beginning, that’s how many prospective adoptive parents feel. They’ve already decided they want to pursue adoption, but they just don’t know where to start. As...
by Emma Vex | Jan 21, 2016 | Adoptions, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions
Adoption fraud attacks some of our most vulnerable citizens during their most vulnerable times: birthmothers who are looking for options for their child and couples who desperately want to be parents. That is why it’s so important to work with a...