by Emma Vex | Feb 27, 2015 | Adoptions, Birthmothers, Domestic Adoptions, Uncategorized
Jennifer, one of New Beginnings’ adoptive moms, emailed us earlier this month with a story about her son. She graciously agreed to allow us to repost her story as a guest blog. To protect the family’s privacy, only first names are used. It is difficult to...
by Emma Vex | Jan 20, 2015 | Adoptions, Birthmothers, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions, Uncategorized
Each adoption is unique. For some, the relationship with the birthparents is open, loving, and beautiful. Others experience a closed adoption for various reasons, some of which could be issues with drugs or a situation involving rape or assault. As adults, we...
by Emma Vex | Nov 24, 2014 | Adoptions, Birthmothers, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions, Uncategorized
When we talk to birthmothers and forever families blessed by New Beginnings, they say “Thank You” over and over again, because without New Beginnings they would not be celebrating as they will this year. They offer thanks to us from grateful hearts, but it was your...
by Emma Vex | Oct 28, 2014 | Adoptions, Birthmothers, Domestic Adoptions, International Adoptions, Uncategorized
Words have the power to change our perspective. Even the most well-meaning people can harm someone with their words simply because they do not understand. Understanding specific language can help with sensitive situations, like adoption. Whether you are speaking with...
by Emma Vex | Sep 29, 2014 | Adoptions, Birthmothers, Domestic Adoptions
No parents want to hear the words “I’m pregnant” uttered from the lips of their young daughter. But all too often, parents are forced into this reality and the decisions that come with it. As Christians, we all hope our youth will make the choices that God desires...