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3 Ways You Can Support Adoptive Parents

December 20, 2022

Do you know someone who recently adopted a child into their family? Adoption is an amazing blessing, and it takes a lot of love from family and friends to transition into this new chapter with ease. We put together three practical ways you can help the adoptive families in your life feel supported in this season!

Bring Them a Meal

As adoptive parents adjust to life with their new blessing, it can feel like a very busy time in their household. There are a lot of changes for everyone, and they want to spend as much time as possible helping their little one adapt to their new life. Ask if you can bring them a meal and if they have any specific dietary restrictions. This is a simple and tangible way to help take a few things off their plate! Instead of spending time grocery shopping and cooking, adoptive parents can enjoy a meal without taking time away from bonding with their little one!

Check In Regularly

It’s so important to check in with adoptive parents often. This new season of life can be filled with different emotions, and it’s paramount for them to have support from people who know and love them. Send them a text message, write them a card, or ask if you can stop by and bring them coffee on your way to work. The little things can go a long way, and they will appreciate your efforts (even if they don’t always get back to you right away!).

Ask Them

The best way to truly understand what an adoptive family needs is to ask them. When it comes to adoption, every situation is different. Some families experience very smooth, quick adoptions while others have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. It’s important to ask how they are doing and what specific things they might need support with in the next few months. Some adoptive parents won’t know exactly what they need yet, but you can always make suggestions to spark a few ideas. At the end of the day, communicate that you want to help them as they transition into this new chapter!