We’re Here for You
Donate to Help a Child
Do you believe in “life?” Do you believe in the “sanctity of human life?” Do you believe that Hope for the young person in a crisis situation is God’s answer rather than Fear? Do you believe that we have a duty to help provide for children who are truly orphaned in remote regions of the world?
If you answer YES to any of these questions, you can help fulfill the New Beginnings mission. Please consider giving any amount greatly impacts our birthmothers and their pre-born child.
Your Donation Goes To Our Programs
Friend of Life Monthly Partnerships
Your Friend of Life partnership helps fund the 24/7 birthmother hotline (an alternative to those who are considering abortion). Funding also helps support the Erwin Maternity Care Program (a home for girls in crisis).
Mercy Nepal Program
The Mercy Nepal Program provides housing, food, clothing and loving house parents in the country of Nepal. Mercy Nepal Partners provide for orphan children who cannot be placed for adoption. When you join with us, you are saying, “We care!” Please contact Tom@NewBeginningsAdoptions.org to become a monthly partner.
Planned Giving
These programs offer many opportunities for you to ensure New Beginnings continues to minister for many years to come. Planned Giving Programs include Endowments, Estate Planning and Annuities.
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