Did you know approximately 500,000 children are orphaned in the United States and the latest numbers we found of orphans in the entire world total 215 million? The need for adoption is growing every year. With the need so great, deciding from which country to adopt is an important and sometimes difficult decision.
At New Beginnings International Children’s and Family Services, we walk our adoptive parents through the options as they make their decision. If you’re just getting started on your international adoption journey, check out these questions to ask yourself and few resources to help.
Questions you may ask yourself include:
Do I want to adopt siblings or a single child?
What age child would I want to adopt?
Do I want to adopt a child that looks like me?
Do I have a preference on gender?
These personal decisions may narrow down your choice of countries. Other factors like your age, marital status, length of marriage, health status and income may further narrow your choice of countries from which to adopt.
If you have a country in mind, check out http://adoption.state.gov/ for a list of requirements and what to expect when adopting from specific countries. You can also find information about specific countries through the National Council for Adoption.
At New Beginnings, we’re particularly excited about our new Poland program. The children available for adoption in Poland have either been living in an orphanage or foster home. Male and female children are available to adopt-most being 3 years of age and older. If you’re curious about the eligibility requirements there, check out our page on Polish adoptions for more information.
We are here to help find the best fit for you and your family, no matter which country you choose.