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Sanctity of Human Life

January 20, 2014

We’ve always believed in the Sanctity of Human Life. This year we learned about Sanctity of Human Life in an unexpected way.

During our Celebration of Adoption Debbie told the story of a very sick newborn girl whose adoption had fallen through because of her severe health problems. Over just a few days time, this baby was diagnosed with Down Syndrome and placed with a loving family. We wrote their heartwarming story on our blog.

The statistics of Down Syndrome babies who are aborted is shocking. Of the women who receive prenatal testing and discover they are carrying a Down Syndrome baby, 90 percent decide to terminate the pregnancy. This number doesn’t include the women who decide to abort without prenatal testing.

At New Beginnings we find homes every year for children whose birth parents can not parent them for a variety of reasons–none of these reasons are strong enough to end a life.

Adoption is one of the most rewarding ways to promote human life. Through adoption we can spread the love of God and unite children with their forever families. We understand that not all are called to adopt, but there are ways that you can support human life. We’re doing all we can do, but we count on you to help us promote the Sanctity of Human Life in your home, your church and your workplace throughout the year.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Promote the sacredness of human life throughout the year. Don’t just make it a priority for one day.

  • Share with your followers on Facebook and other social media.

  • Connect with other organizations that promote life on social media, like New Beginnings.

  • Contact local centers to find out how you can help. Centers include pregnancy centers, adoption agencies, churches, hospitals, etc.

  • Donate items to help those in need. Items include diapers, bottles, canned food, clothes, shoes, bottled water, etc.

  • Donate birthmother care packages to your local adoption agency or hospital. A great source to use is BMB, birth mother baskets.

For more information about promoting human life or adoption, contact us at 662-842-6752 or visit our website.